Innovation, a guarantee of competitiveness


Often associated with advanced technology, the concept of innovation is luckily much broader. And in this field, Luxembourg is on the right track, as can be seen from international rankings.
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Luxembourg-based companies invest €250 million in nearly 250,000 m2 of logistics space since 2013


Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy Étienne Schneider inaugurated on 20 September 2018 the viaduct connecting the Eurohub Sud logistics park to the rail/road intermodal terminal.
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GFCI: Luxembourg among top 3 financial centres in the EU


Luxembourg is once again ranked as one of the top 3 financial centres in the EU, according to the latest edition of the Global Financial Centres Index 24, published today.Furthermore, at global level Luxembourg remains among the top financial centres likely to become more significant in the future.
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Luxembourg ranks 15th in Expat Insider study 2018


Expat Insider is one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive surveys on life abroad based on 48 evaluating everyday expat life. In total, 18,135 expats from across the globe took part in the survey. They represent 178 nationalities and are living in 187 countries or territories.
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Fit 4 Start Selection & Graduation Day: more than 60 ICT and HealthTech start-ups in the spotlight


A day full of fresh ideas and innovative projects; inspiring start-ups in the fields of ICT and Health Technologies present themselves. The next Fit 4 Start Selection & Graduation Day will take place on Thursday 4 October 2018 at Kinepolis Kirchberg and will allow the audience to discover 62 innovative start-ups.
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Successful take-off for the Luxembourg Space Agency


This Wednesday, the Luxembourg Space Agency (LSA) was officially launched, with the aim of promoting the economic development of the Grand Duchy's space industry. A dedicated fund is also being set up, targeting an initial capital of 100 million euros to support the emergence of new space companies with innovative ideas and technologies.
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DBRS confirms Luxembourg triple A rating


On 9th March 2018, the DBRS rating agency confirmed the retention of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg's "AAA" rating, with a stable outlook.
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Greenfield FDI Performance Index ranks Luxembourg 1st in regional category Western Europe


A study by fDi Intelligence reveals which countries outperform their size when it comes to generating greenfield foreign direct investment (FDI).
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Luxembourg scores 9th worldwide on international property rights index 2018


The IPRI scores the underlining institutions of a strong property rights regime: the legal and political environment, physical property rights, and intellectual property rights. It is the world’s only index entirely dedicated to the measurement of intellectual and physical property rights.
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New Luxembourg information portal for logistics and international trade


Discover the Luxembourg Information Portal for Logistics and international Trade. Understand why use Luxembourg as your European logistics hub and get relevant information on how to proceed.
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FNR and Ministry of the Economy to launch a "Space Research Programme"


Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Economy, Étienne Schneider, and Secretary General and Executive Head of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), Marc Schiltz, signed an agreement to develop a programme to support research for the commercial space industry in Luxembourg.
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Fit 4 Start: “Paying attention to the needs of each start-up”


Luxinnovation is currently inviting ICT and health tech start-ups to apply to the next edition of the acceleration programme Fit 4 Start that will support 15 promising start-ups with launching their businesses successfully in Luxembourg.
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Discover the Luxembourg start-up ecosystem in 8 videos


Digital Luxembourg produced a videos series about the Luxembourg start-up ecosystem. You will get to know the start-up community, the main incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces as well as the major players helping you to launch a successful start-up.
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Luxembourg ranked 2nd worldwide in the latest 2018 Innovation efficiency ratio


The major Global Innovation Index strengths of Luxembourg are the Innovation Efficiency Ratio, where the country ranks 2nd in the world, and the Innovation Output Sub-index, positioning Luxembourg 4th globally.
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ICT and health tech start-ups: Apply now for Fit 4 Start


Are you launching a start-up and determined to succeed? Luxembourg’s acceleration programme Fit 4 Start offers you intensive coaching, attractive pre-seed funding and access to key networks. The next edition will accept 10 start-ups in the field of ICT and another 5 specialising in health technologies.
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CarPay-Diem mobile payment solution spotted by Volkswagen


Created two years ago, Luxembourg start-up CarPay-Diem offers a mobile payment solution for the (many) motorists who refuel at petrol stations. The company was discovered by the German group Volkswagen during the last Cebit trade fair in Hanover, and has, as a result, been offered a six-month stay at Die Gläserne Manufaktur, the group’s innovation incubator based in Dresden.
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Luxembourg industry investments create dynamic job market


Numerous industrial groups in Luxembourg are currently investing in future-oriented technologies and smart factories. As a result, the national job market abounds with interesting opportunities for scientists and engineers as well as for skilled technicians and machine operators.
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Luxembourg offers 5th best purchasing power in the world


Luxembourg City ranks in 5th place in a recent study of global purchasing power. This is in particular due to high earning levels.
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EU Innovation Scoreboard 2018: Luxembourg is innovation leader


Luxembourg is, for the first time, listed among the six "Innovation leaders" in this year's edition of the European Innovation Scoreboard. The country's strongest innovation factors are its attractive research system and its intellectual assets.
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Luxembourg to host European HPC headquarters


Luxembourg will host EuroHPC, the joint structure for the European project of strategic interest on high performance computing (HPC). This was definitely decided by the European Commission on 25 June 2018.
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Visit of H.E. Obeid Al Tayer, Minister of State for Financial Affairs to Luxembourg, 20 June 2018


Following numerous high level visits in both countries in recent months, the minister of State for Financial Affairs H.E. Obeid Al Tayer visited Luxembourg on 20 June 2018. On this occasion, the minis...
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Working and living in Luxembourg


Luxembourg for Finance portrayed the life of 9 expat professionals of the Finance sector that came to work in Luxembourg.
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Luxembourg the second most resilient economy in the world


Luxembourg ranks second place in a recent study of the world’s most resilient economies. The country scores highly for its economic productivity, political stability, low corruption levels and low exposure to natural hazards.
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Luxembourg offers best work/life balance in the world


Luxembourg comes out on top in a recent study of cities in the world that offer employees the best working conditions. The average salary, working hours and paid vacation days puts Luxembourg on top of a list dominated by European cities.
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Automotive sector going digital


“Mobility is at a historical turning point,” said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy Etienne Schneider in his opening address and referred to disruptive innovations such as autonomous d...
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DuPont invests $400 million in its Luxembourg facility


WILMINGTON, Del., June 4, 2018 – DuPont Safety & Construction, a business unit of DowDuPont Specialty Products Division, today announced plans to invest more than $400 million to expand capacity f...
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Luxembourg the world’s 11th most competitive economy


The ranking, which is established by IMD World Competitiveness Center, is based on 260 different indicators grouped together in four main categories: economic performance government efficiency busines...
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Luxembourg and France: Natural partners


France and Luxembourg share 73 km of borders but are much more than just geographical neighbours. Mrs Martine Schommer, the Luxembourg ambassador in France, underlined this in her welcome address. “Al...
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