A digital platform for manufacturing optimisation


Helping industrial companies use data and artificial intelligence to optimise their operational processes: this is the mission of software development specialist Wizata. The young company benefits from the additional credibility provided by its Luxembourg location in its dealings with international customers.
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International rankings (1/4): The performance of Luxembourg


International benchmarks provide snapshots of various aspects of Luxembourg’s economy, business climate and society. However, what picture do they paint when put together? The Luxembourg Trade & Invest team has made a deep dive into the rankings relayed over the past 12 months and starts by focusing on the economy.
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Luxembourg pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai opens its doors


From 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022, around 200 countries and international organisations participate in the World Expo in Dubai. The Luxembourg pavilion will host visitors from all over the world interested in using their five senses to discover a resourceful country.
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Luxembourg’s new Ambassador to the UAE


H.E. Robert Lauer begins his service in Abu Dhabi as Luxembourg’s new Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates.​​​​
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Luxembourg cost of living remains reasonable


Luxembourg is in 63rd place on the latest edition of Mercer's ranking of the cost of living in over 200 cities across the world.
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Luxembourg connects start-ups and high performance computing


The national high performance computing centre in Luxembourg tailors its “use & support” model to the individual needs of companies of all sizes and develops its ecosystem by participating in local start-up acceleration programmes like Fit 4 Start.
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Luxembourg supercomputer MeluXina the greenest in Europe


Luxembourg’s high performance computer MeluXina has been ranked as the greenest supercomputer in the EU and the 4th greenest in the world. It also ranks 36th among the most powerful high performance computers in the world.
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5 digitalisation market trends that transform healthcare


The coronavirus pandemic has put the healthcare sector centre stage and highlighted challenges as well as new opportunities. Luxinnovation has identified 5 market trends linked to the digitalisation of healthcare which are shaping the health ecosystems of tomorrow.
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Luxembourg a “strong innovator” in the EU


Luxembourg ranks 7th in the EU and is in the category “strong innovators” in the 2021 edition of the European Innovation Scoreboard. The country stands out in particular for its attractive research system, human resources and intellectual assets.
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Launch of the new edition of Fit 4 Start, with a new HPC and data analytics track


The Ministry of the Economy and Luxinnovation launch the 12th edition of Fit 4 Start, Luxembourg's acceleration programme. Start-ups active in ICT, healthtech and space are invited to apply until 4 October 2021. In addition, a special track focused on HPC and data analytics will allow up to five of the selected start-ups to benefit from a tailored program involving the Luxembourg national HPC MeluXina.
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Monaco opens data embassy in Luxembourg


Monaco is the second country after Estonia to open a data embassy in Luxembourg. Sensitive data will be hosted in Luxembourg as a security measure against natural disasters and cyberattacks.
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Hydrogen innovation in Luxembourg


There are a number of technological challenges to overcome before hydrogen can be deployed on a large scale in the mobility sector. Several Luxembourg organisations are developing innovative solutions.
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Space company Spire now on New York Stock Exchange


Space data and analytics company Spire has started trading its shares on the New York Stock Exchange. The company, whose European headquarters are located in Luxembourg, aims at enhancing its ability to provide clients with more data faster.
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Rating agency Fitch awards Luxembourg finances AAA rating


American credit rating agency Fitch has once again confirmed the AAA rating of Luxembourg with a stable outlook. The same rating is awarded by agencies Moody’s, Standard & Poor and DBRS Morningstar, which confirms once more the country’s good financial situation based on a balanced budgetary approach.
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Anisoprint moves 3D printer production to Luxembourg HQ


Anisoprint recently moved the production of its pioneering 3D printers for composite materials to its headquarters in Luxembourg. Benefiting from the country’s central European location and advanced logistics hub, the company has just shipped the first batch of 3D printers made in Luxembourg to customers.
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Luxembourg is the world’s 12th most competitive economy


Luxembourg ranks 12th in the 2021 edition of the IMD World Competitiveness Ranking of the world’s most competitive economies. The country gained three places compared to the previous year.
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5 reasons to choose Luxembourg as your European business hub


The Luxembourg pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai focuses on "Resourceful Luxembourg". In a guest blog written for the pavilion, Luxembourg Trade & Invest highlights 5 reasons why international companies should consider Luxembourg as a location for their European headquarters or offices.
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Luxembourg third most attractive city


Luxembourg ranks 3rd in the 2021 Global 150 Cities Index, which identifies cities worldwide that have the ideal combination of high salaries, low taxes, reasonable costs and good quality of life.
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Moody’s confirms Luxembourg’s AAA rating


Based on Luxembourg’s economic resilience, solid public finances and robust and transparent institutional framework, credit rating agency Moody’s has once again confirmed the country’s AAA rating. Luxembourg is one of the few countries in the world that receives this pledge of stability and confidence.
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Luxembourg among the top 10 financial centres in the world


Luxembourg ranks 8th in the 2021 edition of the Global Financial Centres Index, which analyses the size and growth of financial markets in over 60 countries. When taking the wider business environment into account, Luxembourg comes 4th. It is also considered the most international of any financial centre.
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A walk to remember


Hiking is one of the most popular activities in Luxembourg. 5,000 km of signposted trails criss-cross the country and take locals and tourists from the hills of the Ardennes in the north to the Red Rock region in the south.
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Luxembourg’s diplomatic network: At your service


Through its network of embassies and consular offices, Luxembourg is represented in many countries and international organisations around the world. The diplomatic staff can help you when setting up a business or investing in Luxembourg and assist Luxembourg companies in their internationalisation efforts.
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Reaching the whole European market


Several Korean companies, such as biotech Medical & Bio Decision (MBD) and AI specialist INFINIQ, have recently opened offices in Luxembourg. Crossroads Magazine asked Younhee Kim, Executive Director of LTIO Seoul, about what attracted them to Luxembourg.
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Innovative cold chain solutions


Luxembourg-based healthtech company B Medical Systems specialises in vaccine cold chain solutions and medical refrigeration. With recent innovations making its vaccine freezers more flexible and resilient, the company is playing a key role in the fight against COVID-19. Its international client portfolio, head count and production facilities are all expanding rapidly.
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Luxembourg launches official start-up web platform


On 5 July 2021, Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot and Luxinnovation CEO Sasha Baillie officially launched the web platform aimed at showcasing the Luxembourg ecosystem internationally and facilitating networking.
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Space opportunities: An investor’s point of view


Venture capitalists looking for promising investment opportunities are increasingly turning their attention to the new space industry. Pierre Festal, Partner at Promus Ventures, spots the trends and points to opportunities in the field.
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Executive Director Blog


The Minister of the Economy Franz Fayot announced recently the new roadmap: “Ons Wirtschaft vu Muer“, meaning “Our economy of tomorrow”, showcasing that a dynamic and sustainable economic development is at the heart of the policy pursued by the Luxembourg Government.
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Europe’s premier space resources innovation centre


As of November 2020, Luxembourg is home to the European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) – the only innovation centre in the world exclusively focused on space resources utilisation. Fully aligned with the country’s global space policy, the centre stands out for its strong orientation towards industry cooperation.
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A magic place


AXA Luxembourg CEO Mirjam Bamberger, a Swiss and German national, describes herself as a "European citizen". She has already lived in eight different countries and considers Luxembourg to be "one of the most beautiful".
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Commercial space hub for Europe


Space is high on the agenda in Luxembourg. Five years after launching the SpaceResources.lu initiative aimed at promoting the exploration and utilisation of space resources, the country has become a confirmed hub for commercial space activities where business can flourish and benefits spill over to other sectors.
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